Abandoned pair procedure: Adopted by ORSI membership during fall 2008 meeting.
If a licensed amateur in a given area of the state, has knowledge that a coordinated repeater has been off the air for a period of at least 120 consecutive days. He may file an application for that pair stating to the state frequency coordinator that this filing is under the Abandoned Pair Procedure. He shall submit evidence in the form of signed statements from him/herself and at least two other licensed amateurs within the area to the state frequency coordinator (SFC) stating that this repeater is non operational for at least 120 days.? The submission may be done by U. S. Mail or electronically.? If done by U. S. Mail ordinary first class mail is acceptable. Upon receipt of this notice, the SFC will first send out a request for status update to the trustee.? This may be done by electronic mail, and/or first class mail.? If the email to the trustee is returned as undeliverable, the SFC shall resend the update request by first class U. S. Mail.? If that is returned as undeliverable, and the SFC has attempted to verify the trustee?s address using the FCC?s ULS system, or QRZ.com and cannot find any better information, at this point the SFC shall declare that the pair is abandoned and issue a construction permit to the applicant provided his application meets all ORSI technical standards.? If the trustee responds that his/her system is operational, the SFC, and/or the ORSI district officer for that area, may decide to conduct a fact finding investigation, that would involve travelling to a location very near the repeater site, and attempting to access it, and also spend some time listening on a receiver to see if the repeater can be observed transmitting.? If the investigation concludes that the repeater is indeed operational and is most likely operating from its coordinated site, the abandoned pair application will be summarily dismissed. ?We will attempt to find another pair for the applicant, if possible.? If the repeater is determined not to be operational, then the SFC will draft a letter and send it by certified U. S. mail, return receipt requested to the trustee advising him/her that he needs to return his system to operation within 120 days. If the trustee sees that 120 days is not enough, he will have the option of applying to the ORSI board of directors for an extension of another 60 days, if he can site reasons such as weather or loss of access to the repeater site.? At the end of this time, if the repeater is still non-operational, the pair will be declared abandoned and a construction permit granted to the applicant.? At any time during this process if the applicant wishes to contact the trustee directly and perhaps arrange to purchase, or lease the machine from the trustee on a friendly basis, that would be welcomed by ORSI.? The new trustee should submit a copy of a bill of sale from the former trustee as proof of the transfer.? A letter or email from the former trustee to ORSI affirming that a transfer has taken place would be welcomed too.
Conflict of Interest clause:
In the event of a conflict of interest, such as the alleged abandoned pair is coordinated to an ORSI officer, the Coordination Oversight Committee, which are the ORSI district officers that are not executive officers. If one of these officers is involved in the conflict the president will ask that officer to step aside from the matter and may ask a neutral third party such as an official from the ARRL Oklahoma Section to aid in resolution of the matter or an ORSI member not involved in the matter to aid in the conflict resolution.
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Revised Abandioned Pair Procedure.pdf | 13.75 KB |