
Content related to ORSI meetings or participation in hamfests.

Not Enough in Attendance at the Enid Hamfest for a Quorum

We are sorry we couldn't get the word out any better or earlier. Since we lost our meeting place in Stillwater and the Green Country Hamfest moving to April things got a little disorganized. Apparently the old Sirloin Stockade in Stillwater is being bull-dozed to become a new Taco Bell for Stillwater. What a downgrade! Over here in Tulsa an iconic hamburger joint, Arnold's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, a fixture in West Tulsa for decades, is being bull-dozed for new Taco Bell. However, West Tulsa could not do without their Arnolds, so the owner was offered a new location a few blocks away.

ORSI Spring Meeting May 9 in Stillwater

Attention all coordination holders and other interested parties, the Oklahoma Repeater Society will hold it's spring 2015 meeting on Saturday May 9 at 12:00 PM. The meeting will be at the Sirloin Stockade 208 N Perkins Rd in Stillwater OK 74075. 145.39 -600 or TARC Super-System for talk-in. You can text or call 918.520.7668 or email for more information.

If you wish to eat lunch during the meeting, Sirloin Stockade is an AYCE buffet style restaurant carrying a wide variety of food and includes a salad bar with the meal.

Next ORSI meeting in NOVEMBER Change of Plans

The Fall 2014 ORSI membership meeting will be held in conjunction with the Enid Hamfest. November 1. Admission is only $2.00. See on the web for more information.


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